No Spend September 2018

It’s September first! Starbucks has already released it’s Pumpkin Spice Latte, Target and Micheal’s are filling their shelves with Fall and Halloween themed goodies, and we’re only three weeks from the official start of Fall (even though in Florida that doesn’t mean much)!

So there’s no better time for a saving challenge!

I like no-spend September for a lot of reasons, the first being I love alliteration (this could have also been no-spend November, which I’m quite tempted to do). Additionally, it forces me to get crafty and use what I already have around my house to fill my time (including chores and projects I’ve been putting off since we moved into our house).

Here are the rules:

What you can buy:

  • Gas
  • Groceries
  • Bills (obviously)
  • Toiletries
  • Medical supplies
  • Pet supplies
  • Work-related expenses

What you CAN’T buy:

  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Takeout food
  • Drinks from bars/restaurants (work it into your groceries and drink at home- it’s way cheaper!)
  • coffee from cafes/restaurants (again, make it at home!)
  • Other non-essentials


I’m lucky in the sense I don’t have kids, so it makes not spending a lot easier. I do have two dogs though, and I have to resist the urge to buy them anything besides food and medicine, even in a sea of adorable dog Halloween costumes.

I’m also starting the 50-20-30 budget, so I’m really hunkering down on my spending overall.

Share your experience in the comments! Are you participating or have you participated in a no spend month? Do you go by the 50-20-30 budget?